The birthplace of sister Louisa born in 1855 was in Hitcham, Buckinghamshire and brother Frederick 3 years later was born in High Wycombe. So by the time of the 1861 Census, where the family is indexed as HOOKINGS, they were all together at Chipping Wycombe which is the form name of the ancient borough of High Wycombe.
The birth of sister Eliza took place in 1863 in Rotherfield Grays, Henley where the family seemed to finally put down roots. They were there in Greys Lane in the 1871 Census although brother William had just married and is recorded elsewhere. Louisa is also not present and her location is at present not known. Henry himself, just short of his 19th birthday is recorded as being a Painter.
Henry himself was to marry in November of that year at the Register Office in Henley where his bride was Louisa HUGHES and Henry was still engaged in the same occupation. The next decade brought a series of joys and sorrows for Henry and Louisa. Son Henry was born in 1872 and Arthur in 1874 both in Rotherfield Grays, but both were to sadly die shortly after Arthur's birth. Further sons were however born in 1875 (Frederick), 1877 (Walter), and 1881 Sidney, although again sadly Sidney was to die shortly after his birth. Henry's mother had unfortunately died early in 1872 so sadly would not have seen any of Henry's children and by the time of the 1881 Census Henry and Louisa, along with their surviving children were living as lodgers with Henry's father, brother and sister back in Greys Lane. By this time too Henry had added the title of Glazier to his Painter profession.
In 1882 Henry and Louisa's first daughter Florence Maud was born followed 3 years later by Kate, and both were baptised at the Trinity Chapelry in Rotherfield Grays. The family were together in 1891 although Florence is recorded by her second name Maud.
Death came again for the family in 1899 when the eldest surviving child Frederick died at Albert Road, Grays of Phthisis at the age of 24. The remaining members of the family were still at Albert Road in 1901 with the exception of Walter who had married 2 years previously. Florence was to marry in 1907 where Henry is mysteriously referred to as being a Mechanic although in 1911 when he is living with his remaining family (Louisa and Kate) at Albert Road, he is restored to his House Painter title. Kate herself was to marry in 1915. Henry was however to pass away on 6 June 1917 at 48 Deacon Street, Swindon, still recorded as a Painter and Decorator Journeyman just short of his 65th birthday. Louisa was to outlive him by a further 27 years.
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